V sredo 17. novembra 2021 je bil na Fakulteti za šport tradicionalni kolokvij o filozofiji športa. Tudi letos sem ocenil, da se spodobi, da pojavim kot predavatelj. Glede na to, prav letos mineva 20. obletnica izida moje knjige Šport skozi psihoanalizo, sem ocenil, da ne bo narobe, če obeležim izid te moje, sicer druge po vrsti knjige. Povezetek prispevka z naslovom sem zastavil “Šport skozi psihoanalizo (po 20 letih)« sem zastavil takole:
»Pred dobrimi 20 leti sem v svoj nesojeni doktorat – in istoimensko knjigo – ŠPORT SKOZI PSIHOANALIZO zapisal veliko 'resnic' o športu, ki so še dandanes domala popolnoma nerazumljene. Moja meta-športologija je šla v smer, da ima šport svoj latentno struktur, ker pomeni, da šport še zdaleč ni zgolj tisto, kar se zdi na prvi pogled. Šport je treba najprej dešifrirati – razvozlati (nezavedno) simboliko –, da bi se vedelo, kaj šport v resnici – na simbolno-nezavedni ravni – sploh je ... Hudo mi je, ko sem aprila 2020 posnel video o športanju v času korona-krize, a ga t. r. nihče ni razumel. V 20 letih se od mene nihče ni nič naučil. Beden občutek …«
Potem pa mi – na dan 80. rojstnega dne moje mame (1.12.2021) – pošlje dr. Jernej Pisk (predsednik Slovenskega društva za filozofijo športa) – na pobudo dr. Leva Krefta – spodnji dopis (v angleščini). Pospremil ga je z apelom:
"Roman, poglej, nekaj tebi pisano na kožo! Upam, da zbereš pogum in stopiš v akcijo."
Call For Papers | Sport, Ethics and Philosophy | Sport & Psychoanalysis
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Journal: Sport, Ethics and Philosophy
Special Issue Sport & Psychoanalysis: how might sport philosophy today take advantage of psychoanalytic philosophy?
Guest editors Sandra Meeuwsen and Marie-Caroline Gallot
Abstract due July 15th, 2022
Abstract length 300-500 words
Abstract decision September 15th, 2022
Manuscript due February 15th, 2023
Manuscript length 5.000 – 7.000 words
Final manuscript May 31st , 2023
Journal publication Autumn 2023
Despite ongoing skepticism towards the scientific quality of psychoanalysis, Freud’s thesis about the unconscious has changed philosophy ever since. Drives, sublimation, transference, resistance, and repression are just some psychoanalytic concepts that are most common, even in philosophical discourses. Jacques Lacan, Melanie Klein, Eric Berne, Thomas Reich, Julia Kristeva and Donald Winnicott are some well-known psychoanalytically educated scholars. What importance could psychoanalysis have nowadays for sport philosophy and the conception of game-playing? This special issue will present a state-of-the-art overview of psychoanalytic philosophy in general, and more specifically explore its contribution to actual debates in our field of knowledge.
Example themes:
· Actual review of psychoanalytic philosophy, both continental and analytic
· Overview of the most relevant applications of psychoanalytic thought in sport science in general, more specifically the philosophy of sport
· Demand, desire, competition and the will to win
· Gender issues in general, more specifically the debate about the inclusion of transgender athletes into sex segregated sport
· Violence, distortion, harassment and other excessive manifestations in sport
· Suits’ utopian game-playing and repression
· Homo Ludens; archetype or fetish
· Fan engagement, hooliganism and event marketing
· Biopolitics and psychoanalysis
· Neuroscience and psychoanalysis in sport science
Information about the Journal: Sport, Ethics and Philosophy currently is the official Journal of the British Philosophy of Sport Association. The Journal is open to essays of (applied) philosophy that engage with issues or practices, policy, and scholarship, concerning the nature and values of modern sports. Fundamental essays in philosophy, as they inform our understanding of sport and related practices, are welcomed, as are theoretical submissions from cognate disciplines.
Instructions for Authors:
For guidance on how to submit, please see www.tandfonline.com/rsep
For Author Services, see https://authorservices.taylorandfrancis.com
Questions: please send any questions about this Special Issue to Sandra Meeuwsen (meeuwsen@esphil.eur.nl) or Marie-Caroline Gallot (mcgallot@gmail.com).
Mogoče bi/bo kdo rekel: “Evo, tudi Vodebu se bodo končno odprla vrata v tujino!” No, moj odgovor na prvo žogo je bil – kot iz topa: “Ne da se mi. Če mi ni bilo usojeno pred 20 leti, tudi sedaj ne rabim tega. Če bo Usoda hotela, se bo našel nekdo, ki bo šel moje teorije razlagat. Jaz sam zagotovo ne.”
PS: Če bi kdo vendarle želel mojo z psihoanlaizo športa sodelovati v omenjeni reviji, mu lahko pomagam. Naj še pripomni, da dam roko v ogenj, da nihče v svetu ni povedal o športu skozi psihoanalizo toliko kot jaz - in to že pred 20 leti.
Dec 02, 2021